Data access in R#
- 2) OPeNDAP
- Read in CalCOFI Station Data
- Change x to be an sf object containing points
- Change x to be an sf object containing a bounding box
- 3) WMS
- National Data Buoy Center
- Requirements
- Generate a list of buoys, and, as an example, narrow the list to Gulf of Maine.
- We select one buoy, Cutler Farris Wharf, in Maine and filter the listing down to just that one record (row).
- Now we can pull buoy data, but only one dataset, such as standard meteorology, for a single year at a time may be requested. The function yields a list of two elements…
- Load packages
- Read the text from the NAO
- Format the text into a nice looking wide form tibble (one row per year)
- Convert the tibble into long form (one row per month/year)