National Data Buoy Center#
To read NDBC data we suggest that you use the rnoaa package from rOpenSci.
You only need the rnoaa package to get data, but we include helper packages, dplyr
and ggplot2
, for the purpose of this tutorial.
required <- c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "rnoaa")
installed <- installed.packages() |>
needed <- !(required %in% installed$Package)
if (any(needed)){
ok <- sapply(required, library, character.only = TRUE)
Generate a list of buoys, and, as an example, narrow the list to Gulf of Maine.#
bb <- c(xmin = -72, xmax = -63, ymin = 39, ymax = 46)
buoys <- buoy_stations() |>
filter(between(lat, bb['ymin'], bb['ymax']),
between(lon, bb['xmin'], bb['xmax']))
We select one buoy, Cutler Farris Wharf, in Maine and filter the listing down to just that one record (row).#
CFW_id <- buoys |>
filter(grepl("Cutler Farris Wharf", description, fixed = TRUE))
Now we can pull buoy data, but only one dataset, such as standard meteorology, for a single year at a time may be requested. The function yields a list of two elements…#
a list variable descriptionsdata
a data frame (tibble) with reported data
stdmet <- buoy("stdmet", CFW_id$station[1], year = 2021)
With just a little manipulation, we can start viewing the data graphically. First we must convert the timestamp data from character to numeric, specifically a POSIX timestamp (seconds of time since that start of an arbitrary origin, in this case 1970-01-01 00:00:00).
stdmet$data <- mutate(stdmet$data, time = as.POSIXct(time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
sst_meta <- stdmet$meta$sea_surface_temperature
ggplot(data = stdmet$data,
aes(x = time,
y = sea_surface_temperature)) +
geom_point(size = 0.2, alpha = 0.4) +
labs(title = sub("National Data Buoy Center - Recent observations from station ",
y = sprintf("%s\n(%s)", sst_meta$longname, sst_meta$units),
x = "Date")